News & Events

Monday, 2019, November 25 - 12:01

Together with SHAPE ENERGY, Energy-SHIFTS and SMARTEES projects, ECHOES took part in session 1 of this workshop discussing about lessons learned from H2020 energy projects. 

Wednesday, 2019, July 17 - 10:30

Four new short summaries have been uploaded to Slideshare with the main findings of ECHOES project.

Tuesday, 2019, June 25 - 11:17

After three years of research ECHOES project wants to share its findings and discuss them with potential users and other researchers. ECHOES will show how people are involved in changing energy contexts can have an impact on energy transition processes.

Tuesday, 2019, June 4 - 12:54

ECHOES project coordinator, Christian Klöckner, presents the results of the ECHOES projec along with some preliminary findings of the SMARTEES project at the ECEEE 2019 Summer Study that is being held from June the 3rd to the 8th in Presqu'île de Giens, France

Tuesday, 2019, April 16 - 16:41

ECHOES project will hold a workshop in Brussels on 9 May, to discuss on the driving factors behind energy-related choices and behaviour. On the basis of the key findings of ECHOES, the workshop will work on their transformation to a set of evidence-based and policy-ready recommendations.

Friday, 2019, January 11 - 12:57

The Sustainable Materials Systems and Structures Conference aims at gathering scientists, practitioners, members of technical committees and users of technical recommendations, to jointly at the same place discuss and envision the future sustainable development of materials, systems and structures in a holistic, global way.

Monday, 2018, October 1 - 12:37

A workshop will be held on October the 9th at INEA's premises in Brussels to discuss on the SSH aspects of the transition to a low-carbon energy system.

Wednesday, 2018, September 5 - 13:24

The Universitá degli Studi Roma Tre will be hosting the next ECHOES project meeting that will be held at its premises in Rome the next 11-13 September.

Monday, 2018, May 21 - 15:23

The "Green Week" event is held in the framework of the Actívate+ program, an initiative by the Bizkaia Provincial Council for the promotion of citizen participation in favour of environmental sustainability.

Monday, 2018, May 14 - 15:47

These results will be presented in the session "Learning from experience and involving energy-citizens; two ways of improving energy-related policymaking" at the EU Sustainable Energy week (04-08 June 2018) in Brussels

Tuesday, 2018, May 8 - 17:00

The EU Sustainable Energy Week 2018 (#EUSEW18) is the most important European conference dedicated to sustainable energy policy issues.

The session ECHOES will take psrt in ia "learning from experience and involving energy citizens; two ways of improving energy-related policymaking" on Thursday the 7th.

Friday, 2017, October 6 - 11:20

This workshop falls into the framework of the ECHOES project. It will result in a report including also results from other surverys carried out within the project.

Thursday, 2017, August 31 - 15:51

The partners of ECHOES project will hold a consortium meeting next week in San Sebastian. The meeting will start on September the 5th and it will last 3 days.

Wednesday, 2017, June 28 - 10:56

It ranks fourth in the water collector capacity in the world after China, USA and Germany.

Tuesday, 2017, June 27 - 18:12

The project is leaded by the Enel company and aims to transfrom 23 power plants in Italy into "ecosustainable" places dedicated to science, art, culture, tourism or new industrial activities.

Tuesday, 2017, June 27 - 17:42

The Zwentendorf nuclear power plant was completely built but was mothballed before it was ever put into operation.

Tuesday, 2017, June 27 - 17:02

This is made possible by the taxes paid by the power companies operating the wind farms located in its territory.

Monday, 2017, June 26 - 21:36

The Bulgarian National Programme for Energy Efficiency of Multifamily Residential Buildings is in implementation since February 2015, investing half billion Euro per year in building renovation.

Friday, 2017, June 23 - 17:58

Germany's electricity grid covers 1.79 million kilometres. That equals travelling 45 times around  the equator.

Thursday, 2017, June 22 - 17:05

Under VTT's leadership the S-market in the neighborhood of Tuira (Oulu, Finland) is the world's most energy-efficient supermarket: it consumes only 40% of the energy a normal grocery store does.

Thursday, 2017, June 8 - 15:13

During the coming months, the ECHOES partners will interview individual persons and organizations to better understand how we make decisions on energy and transport behavior:

  • Why do we switch to another electricity supplier or invest in renewables – or don't do it?
  • Do we actually consider using public transport before getting into the car?


Thursday, 2017, May 25 - 14:13

Finland is one of the coldest countries in Europe. Perhaps surprisingly, however, there is an interest in solar cooling in Finland. 

Thursday, 2017, May 25 - 11:57

Norway is world leading with respect to selling electric cars or plugin hybrid cars. The amount of such cars sold has increased from almost non-existent to becoming the dominant fuelling technology within the last ten years.

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