Project-related Links
Some interesting links that have to do with the ECHOES project objectives:
- BEUC: The European Consumer Organisation
- Clean Energy Solutions Center - Helping governments design adn adopt policies and programs that support the depolyment of clean energy technologies
- CraftEdu: A H2020 project setting up national qualification and training schemes for craftsmen in the Czech Republic and developing the further offer of training courses in Slovakia, Asutria and Bulgaria.
- EERA: European Energy Research Alliance
- ENABLE.EU project: Enabling the Energy Union by understanding the drivers of energy choices in Europe
- ENERGISE- European Network for Research, Good Practice and Innovation for Sustainable Energy
- Energy4Europe - EU Commission's Directorate General for Energy.
- Energy-SHIFTS - Energy Social sciences and humanities innovation forum targeting the SET-Plan
- ENTRUST Project, project on human dimension of the energy system
- EPOV - European Energy Poverty Observatory (The University of Manchester)
- EU-INNOVATE - End User Integration, Innovation & Entrepreneurship
- FIT-TO-NZEB: Innovative training schemes for retrofitting to nZEB-levels
- Generation 180 - An American Energy Aware Movement
- iBRoad - Individual Building Renovation Roadmaps
- IEA - International Energy Agency
- IRENA - International Renewable Energy Agency
- NEWCOMERS - Exploring new energy communities
- NTNU Energy Transition Initiative: reaearch programme focused on strategies for the transition to a future sustainable energy system.
- PENNY project: Psychological social & financial barriers to energy efficiency
- PROSEU - Prosumers for the Energy Union
- Renewable cities - Global Program to support cities through the transition to 100% renewable energy and increased energy efficiency
- REScoop Plus project
- SCOoPE Project - Aims to reduce energy consumption in agro-food industries & cooperatives
- SCORE project: Co-own, Prosume, Renew
- SET Plan - Strategic Energy Technology Plan
- SMARTEES local social innovation: H2020 project enhancing energy-related local social innovation by developing a policy sandbox tool based on experiences of frontrunner cities and islands.
- SOCIALENERGY project: a gaming and social network platform for evolving energy markets' operation and educating virtual energy communities.
- SocialRES: Paving the way towards energy democracy
- Solar Power Europe - Leading the way to a solar powered Europe
- Som Energia (non profit green energy consumers cooperative)
- 3S Science, Society & Sustainability
- WiseGRID: solutions for a democratic and decentralized European energy system.