The Bulgarian government invests half billion Euro per year in renovation of multifamily residential buildings.

The Bulgarian National Programme for Energy Efficiency of Multifamily Residential Buildings is in implementation since February 2015, investing half billion Euro per year in building renovation.

The programme started with a low level of trust among the citizens despite the proposed 100% public grant. Two years later, 200 projects have been already implemented and more than 500 renovations have started. The citizen's interest is quickly growing and the number of applications has already exceeded 4,000.

However, the success of this programme is different across the country. As municipalities are responsible for the overall organization of all activities - from the consultation of the citizens to the commissioning of the construction works – the dedication of local authorities is decisive for the involvement of the citizens.

Probably the most important role of the successful municipalities was to engage in direct communication with the potential beneficiaries, mostly through visiting the buildings, participating in general assemblies of homeowners’ associations, and fully supporting the citizens to complete the administrative procedure. During the implementation phase, the municipal officers are staying in close contact with all involved stakeholders to solve any rising issue, which generates increased levels of trust among all parties.

Further information can be found here.